Ārūḍha Definitions - What is Ārūḍha? Ārūḍha in its most simple definition means mounted, ascended or bestridden (as a horse). It is the sign, the animal represented by the sign, which is mounted. For example if the ārūḍha is Sagittarius then the image is like ‘a person riding a horse’ whereas if it...
Bhāva Pada - कथ्याम्यथा भावानां खेटानां च पदं द्विज। तद्विशेषफलं ज्ञातुं यथोक्तं प्राणः महर्षिभिः॥ १॥ kathyāmyathā bhāvānāṁ kheṭānāṁ ca padaṁ dvija | tadviśeṣaphalaṁ jñātuṁ yathoktaṁ prāṇaḥ maharṣibhiḥ || 1|| In the chapter titled ‘padādhyāyaḥ’ Maharṣi Parāśara has explicitly stated that he shall teach the ‘bhāva and graha pada’ i.e. the bhāva and graha...
Bhāva Pada Chakra - Popularly called the Ārūḍha Chakra, this is a chart drawn with the Lagna and planets and showing the ārūḍha pada of the bhāva in the signs. The nomenclature for any bhāva ārūḍha is normally ‘A’ followed by the number of the bhāva except for Lagna and twelfth house which are...
Graha Pada - The ārūḍha pada of a planet is called graha pada. It is exactly like the reflection of an object which, in this case, is the planet itself. Every planet has an image or a place where its reflection falls. This reflection is about the sign it owns like svakṣetra (own...