1 78

Ayana Bala


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Yuddha Bala

Meaning of Yuddha The word युद्ध (yuddha) as is generally understood, means to fight, battle, encounter, conquer and subdue. It implies the power to oppose and is symbolised in the sky by a conflict of the planets. The word योध (yodha) refers to a fighter, warrior, soldier or even a…

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Varṣeśādi Bala

वर्षमासदिनेशानां तिथ्यस्त्रिंशच्छरार्णवां। होरेशस्य बलं षष्टिरुक्तं नैसर्गिकं पुरा॥ १३॥ varṣamāsadineśānāṁ tithyastriṁśaccharārṇavāṁ | horeśasya balaṁ ṣaṣṭiruktaṁ naisargikaṁ purā || 13|| Translation: Parāśara says that the lords of the varṣa (year), māsa (month), dina (weekday) and horā (hour) have Varṣeśādi bala increasing by 15 virūpa. Explanation The four planets that attain the position…

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4 92

Tribhāga Bala

दिनत्र्यंशेषु सौम्यार्कशनीनां निट्‌त्रिभागके। चन्द्रशुक्रकुजानां च बलं पूर्णं सदा गुरोः॥ १२॥ dinatryaṁśeṣu saumyārkaśanīnāṁ niṭtribhāgake | candraśukrakujānāṁ ca balaṁ pūrṇaṁ sadā guroḥ || 12| Translation: The three-parts of the day-time are lorded by Mercury, Sun and Saturn in that order while the three-parts of the night have Moon, Venus and Mars as…

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Pakṣa Bala

Pakṣa refers to the waxing and waning phases of the Moon which is divided into the śukla pakṣa (waxing phase) and kṛṣṇa pakṣa (waning phase). The maximum angular displacement of the Moon from the Sun is 180° which is the moment of pūrṇānta (end of pūrṇimā, full moon). Just as…

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