3 106

Kendrādi Bala

केन्द्रादिषुस्थिताः खेटाः पूर्णाऽर्धाऽङ्‌घ्रिमितं क्रमात्‌॥ ५॥ kendrādiṣusthitāḥ kheṭāḥ pūrṇā’rdhā’ṅghrimitaṁ kramāt || 5|| Translation: Planets in Kendra, Paṇapara and Apoklimas obtain full, half and quarter strength respectively. Previously in PJC-Year2 we had learnt the importance of the Kendra, which is the grand cross where the lotus of life blooms guarded by the…

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1 103

Oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala

शुक्रेन्दू समभांशेऽन्ये विषमेऽञ्घ्रिमितं बलम्‌। śukrendū samabhāṁśe’nye viṣame’ñghrimitaṁ balam |5 ½ Translation: Venus and Moon in even signs and the other [planets] in odd signs get one-foot strength. The word अञ्घ्रि (añghri) means a foot. In jyotiṣa, all measures are always expressed as having four feet, like nakṣatra have four pada….

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1 151

Saptavargīya Bala

स्वत्रिकोणस्वगेहाधिमित्रमित्रसमारिषु॥ २॥ svatrikoṇasvagehādhimitramitrasamāriṣu || 2½ अधिशत्रुगृहे चापि स्थितानां क्रमशो बलम्‌। भूताब्धयः खाग्निनखास्तिथ्यो दश युगाः कराः॥ ३॥ adhiśatrugṛhe cāpi sthitānāṁ kramaśo balam | bhūtābdhayaḥ khāgninakhāstithyo daśa yugāḥ karāḥ || 3||एवं होरादृकाणाद्रिभागांकद्वादशांशजम्‌। त्रिंशांशजं तदैक्यञ्च सप्तवर्गसमुद्‌भवम्‌॥ ४॥ evaṁ horādṛkāṇādribhāgāṁkadvādaśāṁśajam | triṁśāṁśajaṁ tadaikyañca saptavargasamudbhavam || 4| Sapta means seven and varga refers to the…

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1 178

Uccha Bala

अथ स्पष्टबलं वक्ष्ये स्थानकालादिसम्भवम्‌। नीचोनां खचरं भार्धाधिक चक्राद्‌ विशोधयेत्‌॥ १॥ atha spaṣṭabalaṁ vakṣye sthānakālādisambhavam | nīconāṁ khacaraṁ bhārdhādhika cakrād viśodhayet || 1 भागीकृत्य त्रिभिर्भक्तं लब्धमुच्चबलं भवेत्‌। bhāgīkṛtya tribhirbhaktaṁ labdhamuccabalaṁ bhavet | 2½ The calculation is extremely simple. Consider two factors (a) Longitude of Planet, say ‘P’ and (b) Debilitation Degree…

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6 202

Sthāna Bala

The word sthāna generally means place and position and sthāna bala includes various details about the native. Position Position or posture of the body; the kendra have four postures of standing, sleeping, sitting and walking; yet this can be more detailed Dignity Rank and office which is by appointment or…

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