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Himalaya Class 2014

AM PM 1 06-Nov-2014 Thu Uccha Bala (27) Saptavargīya (17) 2 07-Nov-2014 Fri Oja-Yugma (20) Kendrādi (24), Drekkāṇa (8) 3 08-Nov-2014 Sat Digbala (11) Kāla Bala (6), Natonnata (10) 4 09-Nov-2014 Sun Pakṣa (18), Tribhāga (16) Varṣeśādi (33) 5 10-Nov-2014 Mon Graha Yuddha (17) Yuddha bala (9), Ayana (15) 6…

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Ṣaḍbala Introduction

Ṣaḍbala Defined Derived from ṣaḍ (six) and bala (strength), ṣaḍbala refers to the six sources of visible or true strength of a planet. These are different from the other sources of strength of the planet which are changeable and therefore considered untrue. Maharṣi Parāśara uses the word spaṣṭa bala for…

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Viparīta Argala

Jyotiṣa Terminology विपरीत viparīta Turned round, reversed, inverted and being the reverse of anything. It shows something that is acting in a contrary manner or opposite to its nature; giving contrary results like going asunder or in different and peculiar directions. Traditional people consider this perverse and wrong as it…

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Bāhya Argala

Bāhya Bhāva Bāhya means exterior or external implying something that is going away, particularly in relationships. Exterior Planet Retrograde Consider the retrogression of the exterior planets. When they are in the 9th house from the Sun, these planets begin to retrograde. The retrogradation speed gradually increases until the time when…

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Definition Antara bhāva are the interior houses comprising the half from the tenth to the fourth house reckoned zodiacally and excluding the lagna. This includes the six houses – 10th, 11th, 12th, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Essentially, three dṛṣya bhāva – 10th, 11th and 12th houses and three adṛṣya bhāva…

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