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Lesson-01: Varṇadā Lagna

Varṇadā Calculation ओजलग्नप्रसूतानां मेषादेर्गणयेत्‌ क्रमात्‌। समलग्नप्रसूतानाम् मीनादेरपसव्यतः॥ ११॥ ojalagnaprasūtānāṁ meṣādergaṇayet kramāt | samalagnaprasūtānām mīnāderapasavyataḥ || 11|| If birth is in an odd sign, then the count is zodiacal from Meṣa to Lagna; If birth is in an even sign then count is anti-zodiacal from Mīna to Lagna. The count from…

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Varṇadā Introduction

The word varṇa is derived from vṛ meaning to cover, screen, conceal, surround or obstruct and refers to all that people attach to themselves due to family, profession or club. It includes colors, symbols, implements and everything that shapes the outward appearance, figure, shape. It can refer to a class…

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Lesson-08: Course of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Months Sārāvalī 8.29-31: Process of Growth of Embryo and Lords of the months of pregnancy. The embryo in the womb improves, as under – Month Growth Lord Bhāva 1 Coagulated Blood Venus Lagna 2 Mass of Flesh Mars Dhana 3 Limbs Jupiter Sahaja 4 Bones Sun Sukha 5 Skin…

Continue Lesson-08: Course of Pregnancy
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Lesson-07: Ādhāna Lagna

{tab=Exact Ādhana} Exact Ādhana Lagna We are now in a position to calculate the exact time of the Ādhāna and should forsake the approximate methods obtained previously. While those methods based on niṣeka period in days and solar motion help us to arrive at the date, it is necessary for…

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Lesson-06: Ādhāna Chakra II

Ādhāna Strength {tab=Carriage} Our next step (see previous lesson) is to confirm that the ādhāna chart shows a birth/delivery within the stipulated period. Sārāvalī 8.32-33: Miscarriage – Should a planet be affected by celestial portents, or defeat by malefic at the time of ādhāna, miscarriage may take place in the…

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