Tag: About

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About Program

Syllabus Chapters of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra PART-A Evaluation of Strengths: Includes the detailed study of each of the following strengths, effects of strengths of planets and the bhāva; use in predictions 1) Sthāna bala 2) Sapta-varga-ja bala 3) Oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala 4) Kendra-ādi bala 5) Drekkāṇa bala 6) Digbala 7)…

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The syllabus for each academic year of the PJC is based on Topics which include some chapters of the monumental classic under study – Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra. Please note that while we intend to complete each Academic Year in a calendar year, this may not happen as it is…

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We have two options for joining PJC Year-3. It is best to choose this option and make a one time payment for this course fee. It gives access to all Program Material, Course pages, Telegram Chat, Contact Classes and Webinars. This $200 monthly charge continues for the entire duration of…

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