Tag: Ādhana

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Lesson-08: Course of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Months Sārāvalī 8.29-31: Process of Growth of Embryo and Lords of the months of pregnancy. The embryo in the womb improves, as under – Month Growth Lord Bhāva 1 Coagulated Blood Venus Lagna 2 Mass of Flesh Mars Dhana 3 Limbs Jupiter Sahaja 4 Bones Sun Sukha 5 Skin…

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Lesson-07: Ādhāna Lagna

{tab=Exact Ādhana} Exact Ādhana Lagna We are now in a position to calculate the exact time of the Ādhāna and should forsake the approximate methods obtained previously. While those methods based on niṣeka period in days and solar motion help us to arrive at the date, it is necessary for…

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Lesson-06: Ādhāna Chakra II

Ādhāna Strength {tab=Carriage} Our next step (see previous lesson) is to confirm that the ādhāna chart shows a birth/delivery within the stipulated period. Sārāvalī 8.32-33: Miscarriage – Should a planet be affected by celestial portents, or defeat by malefic at the time of ādhāna, miscarriage may take place in the…

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Lesson-05: Ādhāna Chakra

तस्माच्छुभाशुभं वाच्यं गर्भस्थस्य विशेषतः॥ २९॥ tasmācchubhāśubhaṁ vācyaṁ garbhasthasya viśeṣataḥ || 29½ The good or evil that is to follow such a copulation (niṣeka) i.e. the nature and guṇa of the baby is to be known from the niṣeka chart. Of particular importance is the conception itself, that must follow the…

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Lesson04: Niṣeka Study

शुभाशुभं वदेत्‌ पित्रोर्जीवनं मरणं तथा। एवं निषेकलग्नेन सम्यग्‌ ज्ञेयं स्वकल्पनात्‌॥ ३०॥ śubhāśubhaṁ vadet pitrorjīvanaṁ maraṇaṁ tathā | evaṁ niṣekalagnena samyag jñeyaṁ svakalpanāt || 30|| Maharṣi Parāśara states that all the good and evil related to the lives of elders, particularly father and mother and also grandparents or great grandparents is…

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