Lesson-01: Varṇadā Lagna - Varṇadā Calculation ओजलग्नप्रसूतानां मेषादेर्गणयेत् क्रमात्। समलग्नप्रसूतानाम् मीनादेरपसव्यतः॥ ११॥ ojalagnaprasūtānāṁ meṣādergaṇayet kramāt | samalagnaprasūtānām mīnāderapasavyataḥ || 11|| If birth is in an odd sign, then the count is zodiacal from Meṣa to Lagna; If birth is in an even sign then count is anti-zodiacal from Mīna to Lagna. The count from...
Lesson-02: Varṇadā Chakra - Just as we calculated the varṇadā lagna considering (a) lagna and (b) horā lagna, so also we can calculate the dhana varṇadā (V2) by considering the 2nd house from lagna and 2nd house from horā lagna. As an illustration we shall calculate all the varṇadā of the standard nativity. Nāma...
Lesson-03: Varga Varṇadā - We are now in that stage where we can calculate the varṇadā of all the varga charts. For this we must bear in mind the following: Varṇadā is computed from the Lagna and Horā Lagna For any D-Chart we need the positions of Lagna and Horā Lagna to calculate the...