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Niṣeka and Ādhana

निषेक (niṣeka) and आधान (ādhāna) are separate events leading to pregnancy. Go to the Niṣeka Section and complete all the lessons. Then return to Prārambha for the next topic …

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About Program

Syllabus Chapters of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra PART-A Evaluation of Strengths: Includes the detailed study of each of the following strengths, effects of strengths of planets and the bhāva; use in predictions 1) Sthāna bala 2) Sapta-varga-ja bala 3) Oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala 4) Kendra-ādi bala 5) Drekkāṇa bala 6) Digbala 7)…

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The syllabus for each academic year of the PJC is based on Topics which include some chapters of the monumental classic under study – Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra. Please note that while we intend to complete each Academic Year in a calendar year, this may not happen as it is…

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Rūpa: Strength Measure

When we start learning about ṣaḍbala, we constantly come across a word rūpa which is used in the sense of a measurement of the strength. What does this word mean? It refers to any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour, form, shape, figure. Varāhamihira (Bṛhat Saṁhitā) uses the word rūpa…

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Viśeṣa Lagna Adhyāyaḥ

अथ विशेषलग्नाध्यायः॥ atha viśeṣalagnādhyāyaḥ || अथाहं सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि तवाग्रे द्विजसत्तम। भावहोराघटीसंज्ञलग्नानीति पृथक्‌ पृथक्‌॥ १॥ athāhaṁ sampravakṣyāmi tavāgre dvijasattama | bhāvahorāghaṭīsaṁjñalagnānīti pṛthak pṛthak || 1|| सूर्योदयं समारभ्य घटिकानां तु पंचकम्‌। प्रयाति जन्मपर्यन्तं भावलग्नं तदेव हि॥ २॥ sūryodayaṁ samārabhya ghaṭikānāṁ tu paṁcakam | prayāti janmaparyantaṁ bhāvalagnaṁ tadeva hi || 2|| इष्टं घट्यादिकं भक्त्वा…

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